The pharma industry involves usage of many complex chemicals, drugs and formulations.  Wastes could be solid, semi-solid, liquid or tarry form...

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Incinerator for Pharmaceutical industry

The pharma industry involves usage of many complex chemicals, drugs and formulations.  Wastes could be solid, semi-solid, liquid or tarry form.  Due to the unique nature of each pharmaceutical company, a

thorough analysis of the waste types is necessary to determine the final configuration of the incinerator.

The wastes generated here could include expired/rejected medicines, gelatin, bulk drugs, etc.

Incinerators suitable for this industry

" The incinerator is functioning extremely well and meeting all the requirements of Gazette of India notification. The Strength of the equipment lies in its easy handling, economy in treating bio-medical waste and meeting all criteria control test of PCB Karnataka "

 - Group Capt. H. S. R. Arora, Registrar, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore.

Over 550 + installations
7 Continents
25 + incinerator models
Registered Office

Haat Incinerators India Pvt Ltd,

35 B&C, Jigani Industrial Area,

Bengaluru - 560 105,



+91-97422-61768 (Sales hotline)

+91- (0) 8110-41-66-66


+91- (0) 8110-41-66-99