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Acid Gas scrubber

Acidic gases such as SO2 and HCl need to be treated in scrubbing spray towers with water and along with an injection of a reagent like lime or caustic. These acidic gases are converted into salts and the bleed may need to be treated.

Construction of these acid gas scrubbers is usually in high end

materials and the pH of the scrubber water tank is monitored and dosing of caustic or lime is done to keep the pH within a set range.

• Ideal for continuous operation

• Avoids further treatment of water

• Can be used to scrub practically all greenhouse gases including dioxins and furans


For an incineration system for the Azadegan Oilfield Development, “All the works were executed in a timely manner and to a high degree of quality.” – Abbas Fahim, Managing Director, Tehran Afra Engineering.


Over 550 + installations
7 Continents
25 + incinerator models
Registered Office

Haat Incinerators India Pvt Ltd,

35 B&C, Jigani Industrial Area,

Bengaluru - 560 105,



+91-97422-61768 (Sales hotline)

+91- (0) 8110-41-66-66


+91- (0) 8110-41-66-99