Haat is constantly on the lookout for reputed suppliers of mechanical, electrical and instrumentation products.
Haat believes that its vendors are their long-term partners with the common overall goal of ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.
Haat is looking for suppliers who:
1) Deliver within the committed time.
2) Maintain consistent quality in their products.
3) Provide high quality documentation as per client's requirements/comments.
4) Provide site support at short notice.
6) Have good financial standing.
7) Are available for emergency needs.
8) Are certified to ISO 9001 as a minimum and additional product certification as applicable.
9) Have been in business for at least 5 years with a good track record.
Please fill in this vendor evaluation form and email to purchase@haat-india.com.
Supplier/ Vendor Evaluation: Download form
“Model GD-3 and GD-6 incinerators cater to all the waste generated in our hatchery plant. Working satisfactorily and no smoke is visible. We appreciate HAAT in helping us to dispose off our hatchery waste and mortality effectively.” - Dr. S.V. Deshpande, Manager, Venco Research and Breeding Farms Ltd.