Environmentally friendly incineration solutions for disposal of almost any kind of waste. Sustainable and customised technology to suit any working condition or regulatory standard.

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COVID-19 Incinerator Products

COVID-19 has generated lot of discussions on how it has impacted people’s lives, mental and physical health, brought about awareness of the seriousness of the issue, importance of cleanliness, social distancing and so on.


People who derive great satisfaction from what they do - a team of passionate engineers and professionals who innovate, improve and collaborate to provide beneficial services & solutions to our clients.

Incinerator for Ammunition

Ammunition wastes present both immediate and long term public safety environmental concerns.


In the case of rejects of ammun...


“Model GD-3 and GD-6 incinerators cater to all the waste generated in our hatchery plant. Working satisfactorily and no smoke is visible. We appreciate HAAT in helping us to dispose off our hatchery waste and mortality effectively.” - Dr. S.V. Deshpande, Manager, Venco Research and Breeding Farms Ltd.


Over 550 + installations
7 Continents
25 + incinerator models
Registered Office

Haat Incinerators India Pvt Ltd,

35 B&C, Jigani Industrial Area,

Bengaluru - 560 105,



+91-97422-61768 (Sales hotline)

+91- (0) 8110-41-66-66


+91- (0) 8110-41-66-99