Odour & Air Pollution Control in the Manufacture of Spices by Thermal Oxidation
Where there is human activity, there is always scope for generation of waste. This is a statement we have understood fully and realized every time a new kind of waste or air pollution control application appears on the horizon.
One such is the strong odour that emanates while processing items for making Indian spices. In spite of providing fans for extraction of dust and odour, the shop floor can smell strongly of the odour from the spice, making it necessary for the workers to wear protective masks. Even then, with its strong presence, it makes people sick.
The most suitable product for this is the Thermal Oxidiser. The outlets of extraction fans should be connected to a common inlet terminating at the inlet of a bag filter. The pressure jet bag filter has 99% efficiency and hence most of the dust is collected here. This is followed by either a Regenerative Thermal Oxidiser (RTO) or a Direct Fired Thermal Oxidiser, which then handles the odour.
The RTO, as it is called, is equipped with butterfly valves and ceramic beds. The valves open and close at regular intervals for the odour-bearing air to enter the beds, where it is oxidized and odour completely removed.
The clean air is then allowed to exit the system to the atmosphere.
Many nations still need to frame rules on this and other similar kinds of air pollution control, in the interest of health and safety of employees, general public and the environment, such a system is a must.