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Direct Fired Thermal Oxidisers

We notice, of late, a sudden surge in RFQs for thermal oxidizers, particularly the direct fired type. This is a good sign of the concern shown by the industry in ensuring proper thermal treatment being given to waste and dirty gases that otherwise escape to the atmosphere creating pollution and health problems. This is especially good because people choose this path even though there is no legislation yet to treat dirty gases with thermal oxidisers.


Haat has supplied quite a number of thermal oxidizers in India and abroad. The major users of this equipment are the printing industry, can manufacturing, chemical processing, dairy equipment, automobile, manufacturing processes using paint and so on.


The VOC content in the waste gas determines the operating cost of the equipment. The higher the VOCs present, the lower the running cost, as the VOC itself becomes the fuel.


Haat DFTOs are skid-mounted with the oxidizer, gas inlet, fuel inlet, control valves, pressure, flow and temperature transmitters all pre-assembled and mounted in one location conveniently for ease of operation.


The outlet from the thermal oxidizer has very little pollutants, within limits as committed by us and as per standards in other countries.


If you have a process waste gas which needs treatment, please visit OXR and HXR.