Garden Waste Incinerator
Haat has in its range a series of “free burning” incinerators. The words `free burning’ connote incinerator equipment which is self-sustaining. This means it does not require any additional fuel for burning the waste.
In addition, the free burning range is also known for release of “odourless” and “colourless” flue gas from the incinerator. It is difficult to see smoke except for a faint plume if any, coming out of the stack.
The free burning trash destructor is provided with primary and secondary burning zones. While the primary zone burns the waste, the flame from the primary zone travels to the secondary where the particulates, etc. get fully burnt. This is the reason for odourless and colourless emission.
Combustion air entry into the chamber is provided from the bottom and the sides, thereby uniform distribution of oxygen is made available on a continuous basis.
The burning of the waste in the chamber results in a drop in the pressure, thus allowing atmospheric air at higher pressure to enter the chamber regularly. The trash destructor is always refractory lined to provide a long life. It is very difficult to recreate any documents that are burnt in the chamber as the system enables efficient burn.
It is therefore not surprising that agencies such as the Defence, Navy, large housing complexes and even the gardens outside PMO office have used Haat's trash destructors and incinerators very successfully and satisfactorily.
This model is also used by banks for burning soiled notes, cheque off-cuts and defence departments for disposal of confidential documents.
Another application for this incinerator system is packaging waste including cardboard, wood materials and the like.
Haat’s unique smokeless, colourless and free burning trash destructors have been working for these types of applications all over the world.