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Incinerator Manufacturers in India

Welcome to Haat’s 150th blog!


There are quite a few incinerator manufacturers in India, some in the MSME sector and one or two in the Large Industry bracket. There are, of course, many in the unorganised sector. This is true globally also and very often we compete more with global companies than Indian ones.


When a buyer Googles for `incinerator manufacturer` he gets information about practically everyone in the business and then it becomes a problem for him to choose the one who is reliable, experienced and with a product quality that the buyer desires.


These days, it is very easy to paint a good picture in e-marketing through a flashy website about a company and its products but reality could be different. The infrastructure could be seriously wanting, with poor quality control, unskilled workers, poor manufacturing standards and compromising quality for cost.


When a buyer is serious about in an incinerator, particularly for a large project, he needs to get value for money because it would be a decent capital investment. He cannot do arm-chair buying and needs to see for himself what he is getting into. The reason for this is that when he buys an incinerator with his eyes closed, he may get a piece of equipment which may be economical to begin with, but in the end, it turns out to be the most expensive incinerator in terms of operation, maintenance, repair and downtime. He, therefore, needs to take the trouble of visiting the incinerator manufacturer to satisfy himself that what he buys is what he wants.


It is worth mentioning here some of our experiences.


We have had visitors from far and wide who came to qualify us as an incinerator manufacturer worth going with, as evident from the following few narrations:


1.      A visitor from Australia flew to Bangalore and came straight to our factory in Jigani. He inspected the facilities and spent quite some time with our QC dept wanting to see their `handwritten` logs about progress and `hold` points. He flew back to Australia the same night after satisfying himself.

2.      A big-time engineering contracting firm`s Managing Director from Iran visited us to discuss and decide a contract for a project for NIOCL in its South Pars oil and gas drilling project site. Unfortunately we were going through some construction work at that time, but that did not deter him from extracting all the information he wanted and seeing for himself what we could do. The project was concluded.

3.      3 senior executives from Nigeria visited us to finalise a contract for 3 large model LRD incinerators. They were satisfied with what they saw and decided to place a contract but with a short delivery. This we accepted because it was possible to accommodate this contract, given the shop-load at that time. They came again with a government inspector one week ahead of the due date and we had to hurry certain activities to present the finished product.  When they saw three huge machines assembled and at kept at Bay 3 of our factory, they were really flabbergasted because they were sure we could not do it within that time. They told us then that their requirement was for 6 incinerators and they split the order between us and a South African manufacturer. They had visited South Africa before coming to India and were unhappy with the South African manufacturer’s progress. This actually paved the way for more orders from here.

4.      There were visitors from Kenya, Paraguay, Korea, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc. We have done and are doing business with clients from these countries and more based on the performance of the Haat incinerators already working with them. As a matter of fact, some of these clients have become our close business associates and thru them we have supplied more incinerators in their countries.


We were and are happy to have these visitors to see for themselves the company, its staff, production facilities and infrastructure all of which create a good impression and give them satisfaction that they are buying from a professional organisation which keeps `Total Customer Satisfaction` as its main moto in manufacturing incinerators.