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Imitation is the best form of flattery!

From time to time we come across catalogues, advertisements, etc. where a company claims it is making incinerators and the photograph that appears happens to be that of a Haat incinerator!


In the initial stages, we tried responding to these by sending a written rebuttal and in some cases, these companies agreed to withdraw the photograph from the advertisement, while a few others did not even bother to respond.


There were others who copied the contents of our catalogue or proposal in toto, claiming it as their own, which actually amounts to plagiarism. It seemed these people ran out of ideas or words of their own.


In one case, a fly-by-night company in Southern India went to one of our installations and copied the incinerator model and offered it to a buyer who was under the impression he was only buying a Haat incinerator at a cheaper price! Later on it so happened that he could not burn the waste for which he bought the machine and ended up only burning his fingers because the machine had no semblance of Haat’s quality! We had to initiate legal proceedings against two such companies.


What, however, took the cake was the attempt by a Chinese company to copy our website contents and present them as their own! It looked like they were not only bereft of ideas of their own, but were sure that their written English was far too weak to create any impact.  Our several mails to this company to withdraw this matter fell on deaf years. Perhaps they did not understand much English!


In spite of all these happenings, we were happy in the knowledge that `Imitation is the best form of flattery`!