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Small Hospital Waste Incinerator

There are many health centers and hospitals in remote parts of the country such as in Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Uttaranchal, the Northeast and other states where organizations have set up these facilities for the benefit of people who have no access to medical facilities.


This is also true of countries in Africa where such access of medical facilities and doctors are not easily available.  These organizations also follow statutory requirements of disposing of medical waste properly.


However in remote locations where there are no such facilities could also be where tribals live who have neither any knowledge nor scope for getting medical help except their own traditional methods and materials.


In these remote locations where incinerators are being installed, standard 2 chamber units are sufficient for two reasons:


1.      Haat’s medical waste incinerators do not produce visible smoke or odour.

2.      Emissions from two chamber incinerators can be clean due to the high temperature and adequate flue gas residence time.


HAAT has supplied many incinerators to such locations, some of which are listed below:


1.      Save the children.

2.      Ramana Gounder Medical Trust

3.      Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Medical Trust

4.      St. Luke’s Hospital

5.      Nazareth Hospital

6.      Fatima Hospital

7.      St. Jude’s Hospital

8.      Bishop Conrad Memorial Hospital

9.      Kurji Holy Family Hospital

10.   Tripolia Social Service Hospital

11.   Shankara Eye Hospital

12.   St. Mary's Community Health Centre

13.   Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital

14.   Holy Cross Hospital

15.   St. Mary’s Hospital

16.   Sacred Heart Hospital

17.   Baby Memorial Hospital


We are happy to associate ourselves with all these selfless organizations.