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Of Human Origin, Destiny & Incinerators

Human beings have been trying to unravel the mysteries of their origin and destiny from time immemorial. This issue has been the subject matter of debates over thousands of years by philosophers and religious heads with support from various scriptures from every possible religion. Of more recent origin is Darwin`s theory.


Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. Beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism.


However, we are not here to make our contribution to any theory on human origin or destiny but only to point out our responsibility in the interim; that is during our lifetime. We immerse ourselves in our day to day lives without giving a thought to:


What we can do to contribute to make the world a better place to live in?


What can we do for the betterment of people around?


What can we do that will improve their living conditions?


What can be done to make people realise the importance of clean air, water and environment?


Why has man always been trying to alter the forces of nature and thereby bring about calamities on himself and others?


What can be done to conserve natural resources and make the world a better place for the future generations?


These are some of the questions that keep cropping up. Many Corporates and MNCs have drawn up Mission and Vision statements and listed out Corporate Social Responsibilities to make some contribution towards answering these questions.


However, we at Haat have made it the sole purpose of our very existence. By designing, making and installing incinerators to dispose of any type of waste, solid, liquid and gaseous, at the same time not creating another problem in the process; by generating awareness among industries and people alike; by working with agencies like UNDP, ONUCI, Religious Missionaries & SOS; by installing our incinerators in economically backward parts of the world and in helping trouble torn regions to keep their areas infection free.


 We have made the whole exercise our main business and we feel we are thus able to contribute to a better environment, cleaner air and healthy living conditions.